dimanche 28 décembre 2014

How to draw a horse

How To Draw A Horse


This is Part 1 of a 4-part series on how to draw horses.


This lesson will teach you how to draw a horse!
Horses are a popular subject among professional and amateur artists alike. Many people love to draw these beautiful animals. They have been a popular subject for artwork not only in modern times but for most of human history.  You can even find horse drawings done by cavemen during prehistoric times!
This tutorial features a horse galloping from a profile viewpoint. This is a simple tutorial and can be easily completed by most artists regardless of skill-level.
Step 1
First thing to do is drawing the guidelines. These will not be a part of our final drawing. They will be erased later as we replace them with other lines in step 3 of How to Draw A Horse. They serve only as the foundation that we will build our drawing on.
Draw two circles to represent the front and back of the horse’s body.
Then add the neck and head. The head can be represented by a right triangle with rounded corners. For now the neck will only be a line connecting the head to one of the circle closest to it.

Step 2
Draw the guidelines for the legs. The legs of the horse are very thick and muscular at the top but get much slimmer as they go down to he hooves.
Draw the upper legs as shown in the picture below. The upper legs are curved shapes but the lower legs will just be represented by single straight lines.
Great job drawing the guidelines. Now we will replace these with the lines for our final drawing.
Step 3
Erase the triangle representing the head. Draw the head of the horse as shown below. Notice the angles of the jaw and the angle of the head halfway up his snout. We will add the ears and more details to the face in later steps.
The draw the neck attaching to the body. Draw the first half of the horse’s back curving with the circle guideline.
Step 4
The line representing our horse’s back curves into a dip but then back up again as it goes to the rear end. We can now erase the two circles we used as the guidelines for the body.
Step 5
When the circle guidelines are gone we can draw the horse’s underside. The front of the horse, at his chest, is lower to the ground but curves up as we move back to his belly and hind legs.
Step 6
Now erase the guidelines for the front and back legs that are facing us. Draw his legs. Pay attention to how the horse’s legs curve at his knees and ankles.
Step 7
Draw the two legs on the other side of the horse. We cannot see all of these legs. They will be shaped differently than the first legs we drew since they are posed differently at this point in the horse’s stride. Again, pay attention to the angles of the lines at his knees and hooves.
Step 8
Now we can add the ears of the horse. They should be placed the he highest point on the head.
Draw the mane and tail of the horse. You can draw these the same as I did here but feel free to deviate from how I drew them. Some horses have relatively short hair on they head and tail and some have much longer and thicker hair. Draw whatever you would like to see in your horse drawing.
Step 9
Add the final details to the horse. Draw his eyes. Horses’ eyes are dark but you can leave a small white dot to represent light bouncing off the eye. Then draw short line above and below it represent the eyelids.
Then draw the nostril and lines representing the cheekbones.
Also add crosshatching behind his jaw and on his left legs to show shadow.
horse drawing in pencil
Step 10
The last step is optional. Not all horses are a single color so you can draw lines to separate the different colors of his coat.
Once you have completed the drawing you can now color it with markers or colored pencils.
horse galloping drawing
You completed the How To Draw a Horse Lesson. Fantastic work!

How to Draw Birds

 How to Draw Swans

This is a great tutorial that will show all who visit drawbirds.com, how to draw swans step by step. There is literally not a lot of lessons available on the web that will teach an avid artist how to draw such a beautiful bird. Swans are among one of the bird species that are ranked as being the most graceful, subtle, calm, and even loving to one another. When I stumbled upon this tutorial I was flabbergasted because the colors, and the way that the swans where drawn reminded me of a picture perfect display of two attractive birds showing affection. AS for the steps, they may seem to be complex, but if you take your time and follow each step with patience and careful thought, it’s almost guaranteed that you will be successful at drawing swans of your own. The lesson consists of long lines for their necks, small shapes for their heads, and even larger shapes for the bodies. Of course there is the fact that you will also be sketching in some soft feathers because as you know swans are also known for their extremely soft feathers. It doesn’t matter if you tackle the submission with a pencil, crayon, marker, or colored pencil, one thing is certain, you will definitely teach yourself how to draw swans no matter what. So go ahead and try out this tutorial with a friend, parent or sibling, you’re sure to have fun! You can view the original tutorial here: How to Draw Swans.

How to Draw An Owl


There is many birds in existance but there is none as bright and beautiful as the owl. The site hasn’t been updated lately which is why there needed to be a new submission added. This tutorial is going to show you how to draw an owl, step by step. The owl in the finished colored picture is that of the owl. These marvelous birds are as wise as can be, and they spread their wings as far apart imaginable. They truely are gorgeous birds to examine and watch if you are lucky enough to do so. The tututorial may be hard for some of you novice artists out there, but if you take your time and follow the steps properly, it should be as easy as 1, 2, 3. The tutorial on how to draw an owl came from Dragoart, and if you want to view the actual lesson all you have to do is go here: How to Draw An Owl. Enjoy this step by step draw sheet and you will be drawing an owl in no time at all.
You can also visit a good website that shows you how to draw owls and more at this site called, How to Draw Owls. Learn how to draw all sorts of owls there. Enjoy and good luck!


How to Draw A Bird for Kids


This is a really nice and easy lesson that will teach any child, young adult, or teen how to draw a bird for kids. The tutorial starts out with just a simple circle shape, and from there it moves onto something much, much more. When the artist is done following the easy to read steps, the end reslut is going to be an adorable bird that can be colored in using any shade. The total draw time on this bird for kids is around three to five minutes. If you are a novice artist or have a young child that loves drawing but you can’t find any lessons that are free and good enough for he/she to understand, this is the tutorial for you. Have fun with it, and remember that creativity is a skill that flows in us all.
If you want to view the original tutorial of the one below, please visit this link and be sure to leave a thanks to the artist (Optional of course): How to Draw A Bird for Kids.

How to Draw A Parrot 

 I love parrots, and have found the perfect drawing lesson on the web that shows you how to draw one. This lesson is somewhat for novice artists, and is highly recommended by me. If you want to view the original drawing lesson of which you find below, please visit this link here: How to Draw A Parrot.

I wish all of artists luck, and enjoy the lesson. If you want me to upload something else, then please recommend a lesson. Also, keep a look out for my original drawing tutorials made specially for you guys exclusively for this website. Enjoy!

14 Different Manga Eyes

just a sketch of 14 different eyes. Is there any specific eyes that you would like me to exsplane a little more?